Mission, Vision, and Values

GNCO companies fulfill our vision by consistently providing timely, dependable, insightful solutions to meet our customers’ needs. We act with urgency and commitment to proactively deliver safe, high-quality products and services. At all times, our employees communicate with integrity and fairness to all involved. Our committed relationships with industry-leading partner suppliers are mutually beneficial to all stakeholders.

GNCO is a family-owned, fiscally responsible organization with a diverse portfolio of companies. GNCO companies expect to be the best in each distribution class. Our employees are customer-focused, team-oriented, and passionate in our pursuit of excellence. Our companies operate in an entrepreneurial fashion to consistently deliver high-value products and services. In all matters, we communicate fully and act with the highest integrity, making us valued partners and employers of choice.

Safety – Lead by example to promote workplace safety. Exhibit genuine interest that each team member returns home safely every day.
Positive Attitude – Customer-focused, can-do spirit. Committed to supporting the stakeholders.
Self Development – Exhibit intellectual curiosity and continuous self-development both professionally and personally.
Teamwork – Possess a collaborative mindset and shared sense of purpose that focuses on greater overall outcomes.
Integrity – Act with honesty, respect, trust, and thoughtfulness for all coworkers, customers, and partners; believes in the GNCO Vision and Mission.
Community Service – Support and participate in activities and initiatives that help others.